Friday, 12 October 2007


1 Take some of the randomly generated content from spam
2 Use babelfish to translate into japanese and back again
3 ?????????????

After this October you cannot know the next announcement glance which looks at that hugely.
If Wednesday it causes what with many and the is not.
It had the flexible dinner information of problem, it permits We to be possible or, as for the report.
paper me that beverage Saturday it puts out that.
The place where it is read sort of Sunday without the stand without the stand while becoming.
There is a place where it is. I other something explains what. Perhaps, why slower thing will?
April Monday which as for her chute of Poon me was surprised and eats it did, it was, it comes.

or this slightly more frantic piece, might go well with a bit of scat

Warning: The next adult announcement glance which looks at that slower explanatory Thursday was dinner of Saturday thing.

Interval of the cell of explosion sound is not opened.

As for the book the coke information which February you telephone describe it is not possible to arrive.
If something book the cord/code does the sort of February his et.

Thursday Thursday be something.
Perhaps for explaining the portable telephone of the beverage of work.
Portable telephone Monday of all sack to such as I him.
Flexibility between document office work coke of that June ruin.
Dignity of Sunday of will week third it arrives, it can use.

Will I our thing what?

There is October of the can glance. First all news.
Will bill tray mine December it went. As for that TV which is method afterwards. If cell June the mine be. The glance where the Mara place December Sunday which gushes eagerly goes. I describes the paper of ruin week of report. The cell wall dignity which is not October that. Perhaps bill tray Sunday the telephone which is you eat.
Does large number why destroy the flexibility of many cells?
It is possible, this December is lacking.

Without the stand of thought of thing the July 3rd mine which becomes it is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

通常坊間高 酒店兼職檔西餐廳情人套餐壹客就要花費五 酒店工作、六百元以上,甚至上千元,對於有荷包預算的情侶們無疑是大大的負擔。 酒店上班考量目前低靡景氣,加 寒假打工上今年七夕情人節是在平常日,為刺激買氣高雄麗尊酒店特 暑假打工別推出「經濟型情人自助餐每對990元」,23日前預 酒店PT約且付定金者可免費獲贈「純手工玫瑰巧戒」乙只;現點現做的 禮服酒店香煎美國沙朗牛排吃到飽」更是經濟實惠,僅限於8/26七夕情人節晚餐時 兼差段。七夕情人節還沒想好怎麼過嗎?趕 打工快把握機會!

台北酒店經紀酒店於8/26晚上推出「七夕夜~五星經濟情人 酒店經紀餐優惠專案」,每對只要990元(含一成服務費),此外 酒店打工,凡於8/23日前預約並付訂金者免費 酒店兼差獲贈「純手工玫瑰巧戒」乙只,更為小倆口的戀情喝花酒加溫!值得一提的是,「純手工玫瑰巧戒」交際應酬用比利時產地的白巧克力,經由隔水加熱法融解、降溫再粉味小火加熱等多道繁複製作過程才能完成戒台部份,玫瑰花亦使用白巧克力加上麥芽糖隔水加熱充份混合均勻後再冷卻一夜後方可塑形。


另外,以多國料理聞名的地球村自助餐廳提供多樣化精緻自助吧,無論 酒店是前菜、甜點、湯品、DIY擔仔麵、鮮蔬沙拉、鐵板燒等,提供豐富且多樣的菜式,讓喜愛自由用餐、歡樂氛圍的情侶們可以輕鬆大啖美食,不用擔心荷包大失血的顧慮。
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